Adding an ICD9 Description to a Pre-Exsisting Medication

  1. Under the medication Reason column, click on the “=“ symbol.
  2. In the medication Indication field, enter an ICD9 code or ICD9 description.
  3. From the search result list, select a preferred medication.
  4. Enter any Additional Comments in the text area.
  5. Check next to Primary Indication (if this Indication is a primary indication of a longer list).
  6. Click Save.
  • The added ICD9 code will appear in a list under the Current Indications field-set below.
  • The ICD9 description will appear under the medication Reason column of the listed medication automatically (no more F5 yaaayyy).
  • A future adaptation will allow a provider to compile a custom list of commonly used ICD9 codes.  These will be located in the Dx Quick List Field-set.