Force a User to Change the Password

To reactivate a previous user (or force a password change):

1. Click on Administration from Oscars main view.
2. Click User Management to expand the selection menu.
3. Click on Search/Edit/Delete Provider Records

b. Search for the user you wish to edit
c. From the Update Provider Record page ensure that the field "Status" contains a 1 (1 = active, 0 = not active).

4. Click Search/Edit/Delete Security Records (Administration menu)

a. Click the Search button to reveal all users.
b. Click on the user name you wish to edit.
c. Change the user password to something generic ie.: Password
d. Check Expiry Date and then enter a Date of expiry for this account.
e. Uncheck Pin(local) Enable
f. From the Force Password Reset drop down list choose "true".
g. Click Update Record

The user can now log in with the generic Password you have assigned and then they will be forced to change it to something they prefer before proceeding further.

The previous same steps can be applied to creating a new account. Remember that the main steps for creating a new account are:

1. Click on Administration / User Management
2. Complete all the steps to "Add a Provider Record"
2. Give the new user a role in "Assign Role to Provider"
3. Give the new user a log in record in "Add a Login Record"


1. Add a Provider Record
2. Assign Role to Provider
3. Add a Login Record

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