E-chart Access Denied

I cannot access any patient's e-chart and notes. I get the following message:

"Access Denied

You cannot access this client's Encounters because he/she is not in your program domain. What this means is that this client is currently not, and has never been a particpant in any program you have rights to.

Please talk to your administrator about getting the proper access."


If you receive this message every time you attempt to open a patient e-chart. This happens because your Doctor role has been revoked in Oscar. Meaning that you can no longer open parts of a patient file that are only for a doctor to view. If this was unintentional, these are the steps to restore the Doctor role:

1.) Open the Administration menu from Oscar's main menu

2.) Click on User Management and then from the sub-menu, click Assign Role to Provider

3.) Check if the Dr. with the revoked permission has both an admin role AND doctor role

4.) If both the admin role and doctor role are assigned skip to step 5, otherwise:

  1. Select admin from the drop down list under the Role column next to the Dr.'s name.
  2. Click the Add button under the Action column next to the Dr.'s name.
  3. repeat steps 1 and 2 to assign a doctor role ( use the doctor from the Role drop down list instead of admin ).

5.) Scroll to the bottom of the employee list.

6.) Select a Provider from the drop down menu under the Set primary role dialog

7.) and then select doctor from the Role drop down list.

8.) Click the Set Primary Role button.

A proper doctor role should look like the attached image.

 Properly Assigned Doctor Role

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