Merge Duplicate Patient Files

Please be aware that this does not "merge" two files into one. It combines 2 files into one reference.

To merge demographic files:

1. From Oscar's main menu, click on Administration.
2. Click "Data Management" in the Administration Panel to expose the sub menu.
3. Click "Merge Patient Records"
4. Search by Name for the files you wish to merge.
5. Check the check box next to each file to be merged.
6. Click the radio button next to the file that will be the "Master File".

Note: the Master File will be the file that contains the patients healthcare number and the majority of information.

7. Click Merge Selected Records.

To confirm the files have been merged:

1. From Oscar's main menu, click Search.
2. Search for the merged patient file by Name.
3. Click on the demographic number to open the Demographic summary.
4. Notice the 2 merged demographic numbers located next to the "Edit" button at the top left.  Example: 1488, 1382 ) Edit.
5. Click on each file number to see the original data.

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