How do I schedule single days off on a providers Oscar schedule?

You must edit a providers schedule temple to add single days or partial days off for a provider.  This is required in cases where the provider will not be available for appointments on a regularly scheduled day. 

  1. Open Oscar's Administration menu and then click Schedule Management.
  2. From the Schedule Management menu choose Schedule Setting.
  3. From the Select a Provider select list, select a provider.
  4. At the bottom right of the provider's Schedule Template (Setting) page, click Next
  5. Use the Calendar navigator to select the day when the provider is unavailable.
  6. In the Schedule Setting pop up window check off No to indicate the provider is unavailable.
  7. From the Template select list, select the template applicable for the day the provider is unavailable.
  8. At the bottom right click Save. (dismiss any other pop ups that appear)
  9. The scheduled day off will now appear as "blued-out" in the Calendar navigator.
  10. Repeat the process for any additional days.
  11. From the bottom right of the provider's Schedule Template (Setting) page, click Next.
  12. Click Do it Again for additional provider schedules - or - close the window.

NOTE: If the day off is a reoccurring pattern, it is better to re-design the main provider schedule template.