Create a New BPMH Form

Best Possible Medication Health Form

Before beginning a new BPMH form the following must be completed, otherwise the form cannot be completed.

  • An appointment entry for the patient visit.
  • Assignment of the consulting Pharmacist in the patients Health Care Team registry.
  • The patients Family Practitioner name and contact number entered into the Health Care Team registry.
  • Complete Medication History with each entry containing:
    • name
    • instruction
    • indication (reason)
  • Annotation in the patient's Allergy profile. (NKDA for no allergies)

To begin a new BPMH Form

  1. From the left menu in the Patients Encounter window, hover over the + next to Forms
  2. Choose BPMH from the menu
  3. Review and complete any additional notes
  4. Click on Print to save the form and generate a printable PDF  - OR - Click on Save to save the form without printing - OR - Close the form to do nothing.

To view and/or Print a previously Saved BPMH Form

  1. From the left menu in the Patients Encounter window, click on Forms
  2. Click on the desired BPMH form from the revision history.

The States of a BPMH Form

The BPMH form was designed to record a final snapshot and summary of a patients medication profile and consultation results. Each new session with a patient requires a new BPMH form. Once saved, the BPMH form represents a finalized session.

A New Form compiles all current data in the patients profile.  A New Form must be created and saved to reflect any changed information.

A Saved Form is a snapshot of the data in the patient profile at the time the form was saved or printed. Saved Forms cannot be edited. If the patient consultation is not complete, simply close the form without saving, and then start it later.

Additional Notes are saved with the form snapshot. They cannot be edited after saving, and they are not populated anywhere else in the patient profile.