Error when adding MSP service code with Billing Form Manager


I am trying to add a MSP service code to the 3rd column of the GP General Practice Billing form with the Manage Billing Form inside the Administration tools and I keep getting this error message after clicking "Update":

javax.servlet.ServletException: org.apache.jasper.JasperException: An exception occurred processing JSP page /billing/dbManageBillingform_service.jsp at line 67

64: cbs.setServiceGroupName(group[j]);
65: cbs.setServiceGroup("Group"+j);
66: cbs.setStatus("A");
67: cbs.setServiceOrder(Integer.parseInt(request.getParameter("group"+j+"_service"+i+"_order")));
68:     ctlBillingServiceDao.persist(cbs);


Leaving the list order number field blank will cause this ugly vague error.  Always ensure that a valid list order number is set next to every additional service code number:

For instance if there are already 19 service codes in the billing column you should enter a 20 next to the new billing code.

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