Change date for ticklers

Question: Is it possible in oscar to change the date for ticklers. For e.g. If I created a tickler to remind myself to call patient to book but then due to some reasons I want to postpone that tickler to a different date. Can that feature be added or not? If there is a feature like that would that be applicable if someone else created that tickler and assigned it to me and I want to postpone that. Please advice.

Answer: The date of a Tickler cannot be changed after it is created.

Ticklers are designed to be persistent. You will notice that they stick in your workload as ugly red reminders until you acknowledge completion. This is because they are not intended to be easy to dismiss or extended.

They are mostly used for critical patient recall reminders or as medical directives. The ability to dismiss or delay any critical medical directive could potentially cause a patient safety issue.

My suggestion is to enter a comment into the Tickler that you wish to "snooze" for a short period time - or - create a new Tickler for longer extensions of time. Using these methods will also properly log the reason why an extension was necessary.

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